TRA announces agenda for Annual Conference Day, 2024 UK Tyre Recovery Association celebrates 25 years…
Don’t be a victim The TRA’s warning to landowners
Recent incidents across the UK suggest that waste tyre crime is on the increase despite the fact that the UK has both the capacity and the infrastructure to deal legally and responsibly with all of its old tyres.
Often viewed by criminals as both easy money and a victimless crime the hard truth is that it is the taxpayer and even more often, the unsuspecting private landowner, who ends up footing the clean-up bill.
Site clearance costs for abandoned tyres have risen noticeably over the past year with even an average-size car tyre costing well over a pound to collect and reprocess responsibly.
Dumping itself can take many forms from commonplace fly-tipping to spurious storage and ‘recycling’ businesses so be alert and follow the valuable advice provided by the Environment Agency (and similarly by NRW, NIEA and SEPA elsewhere in the UK) on the accompanying factsheet. In doing so you will not only be protecting our environment but helping yourselves avoid an unwelcome liability.
The good news is that TRA members are on hand to help victims of dumping. Our members have long provided a legally compliant and audited collection and recovery service offering security and peace of mind to all those using our services. Furthermore, our long-established Responsible Recycler Scheme to which all of our members are accredited, offers the assurance of best practice at every stage in the process.