TRA announces agenda for Annual Conference Day, 2024 UK Tyre Recovery Association celebrates 25 years…
Waste Tyre Collection – FOI response reveals true scale of operator non-compliance
A Freedom of Information request* has starkly exposed levels of non-compliance by many operators claiming ‘T8 exemptions’ for their recycling businesses.
In 2019, inspections of almost sixty sites carried out by the Environment Agency across England revealed more than one third to be legally non-compliant. Further action by the EA, conducted in the first 8 months of 2020, showed the situation to have further worsened with almost 50% of sites visited failing to meet legal requirements.
‘This confirms all our worst fears,’ said Peter Taylor, TRA Secretary General, ‘T8 exemptions were intended to offer a ‘light’ touch regulatory regime under which small businesses could operate but instead it has been very widely abused as we have long suspected. In very many cases this approach allowed irresponsible players to flout the Law yet enjoy levels of overhead and compliance well below those of fully permitted responsible businesses. We are pleased that government now intends to end this gateway to poor practice.’
The Tyre Recovery Association urges all those disposing of end-of-life tyres and especially vehicle dismantlers and tyre retailers to carefully scrutinise the compliance status of those to whom they pass on their waste, their own legal Duty of Care demands it. Our industry’s own Responsible Recycler Scheme provides just that assurance of best practice. RRS members are audited and re-certificated annually and endeavour always to maintain high standards of service and compliance.
*FOI request submitted by ‘Tyre & Rubber Recycling’ magazine